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(46 photos) "dust" spots (16 photos) (GBB) (1 photo) (HMS) (2 photos) (left to right) Ali Ansari (1 photo) (MMG) (1 photo) (Multiple values); biofuels; bioeconomy; bruce dale; news bulletin (1 photo) (ReBTE) (1 photo) (Shiv) Mayandi Sivaguru (1 photo) -80 Freezer (26 photos) 10.25.12 (33 photos) 2-liter BIOSTAT fermentor (11 photos) 2011 ReBTE Symposium (57 photos) 2013 International Symposium on C4 and CAM Plant Biology (1 photo) 2nd Floor Artwork (3 photos) 3500 (2 photos) 3rd floor (10 photos) 3rd Pan American Congress on Plants and Bioenergy (265 photos) 6-9th August (1 photo) 8.5 Tesla custom quadruple Fourier Transform mass spectrometer (48 photos) ??Sharon Lee?? (1 photo) Abhishek Pal (2 photos) Abigail Asangba (3 photos) abstract (32 photos) ACES Library (12 photos) ACES Quad (5 photos) acids (4 photos) Adaikkalam "Adai" Vellaichamy (1 photo) Adam Arkin (2 photos) Adam Barling (35 photos) Adam Kolakowski (3 photos) Adam Lewin (18 photos) Adam Mason (78 photos) admin (2 photos) administration (4 photos) Administrative Assistant (3 photos) Admissions and Records (3 photos) Adrienne Perkins (1 photo) Advion Corporation (6 photos) aerial (5 photos) affiliate (79 photos) Affiliate (96 photos) Affiliate - ReBTE (1 photo) Agilent 1200 HPLC System coupled to an Agrilent LC/MSD Mass Spectometer (16 photos) Agriculture and Biological Engineering Building (80 photos) Ahmed Abdel-Hamid - under Gerlt (1 photo) Ahmed Abdel-Hamid - under Gerlt- grayscale (1 photo) air filter (22 photos) airplane (7 photos) airplane wing (1 photo) airport (1 photo) Al Roca lab members (19 photos) Alan Hansen (74 photos) Albert Himoe (1 photo) Alice Campbell Alumni Center (28 photos) Alison Bell (6 photos) Allen Parrish (6 photos) Allison Stewart (33 photos) Alma Mater (14 photos) alma mater (6 photos) Alma Mater; trees; close-up; leaves (1 photo) altered photo (4 photos) Altgeld Hall (10 photos) Alyssa Brune (6 photos) Amelia Bartholomew (7 photos) American flag (4 photos) Amit Ghosh (7 photos) Amy Betzelberger (7 photos) Amy Jones (3 photos) Amy Malick (1 photo) Amy Roberts (1 photo) and Environment (iSEE) (57 photos) and Law of Genomic Biology (BioBEL) (1 photo) and Phil Newmark (professor)schistosome (2 photos) and PI Princess Imoukhuede (1 photo) Andrew Forbes (16 photos) Andrew Leakey (89 photos) Andy Vanloocke (1 photo) Andy Wycislo (30 photos) Angel Rivera (1 photo) Angela Kent (2 photos) Angela Kent; professor; natural resources and environmental science; soil science; microbial ecology; environmental microbiology (1 photo) Angela Kent; professor; natural resources and environmental sciences; soil science; microbial ecology; environmental microbiology (31 photos) Angela Kent; professor; natural resources and environmental sciences;soil science; microbial ecology; environmental microbiology (1 photo) Animal Science Laboratory (1 photo) animal sciences (66 photos) Animal Sciences (63 photos) Animal Sciences Building (134 photos) Animal Sciences Lab (4 photos) Animal Sciences Laboratory (93 photos) Anna Locke (1 photo) Anne Heinze Silvis (10 photos) Annette Erb (1 photo) Anthony Duong (1 photo) Anthony Oliver- under Khanna (1 photo) Anthony Oliver- under Khanna-grayscale (1 photo) Anthony Yannarell - under DeLucia (1 photo) Anthony Yannarell - under DeLucia- grayscale (1 photo) antibiotic cultures (88 photos) Anwesha Chakrabarti - under Khanna-grayscale (1 photo) apparatus (53 photos) Arabidopsis plants (47 photos) arboretum (42 photos) architectural plans (23 photos) Archive (66 photos) archives (13 photos) Argentina (2 photos) Arkin (4 photos) arpa-e (2 photos) Array Cafe (2 photos) Array Cafe Signage (62 photos) art (8 photos) art display (4 photos) Art of Science (15 photos) Art of Science 3.0 (118 photos) Art of Science 6.0 Gallery show (84 photos) Art of Science Midway airport exhibit (1 photo) Arthur Zangerl (6 photos) articular cartilage (2 photos) artist's sketch (1 photo) artwork (10 photos) Ashley Spence (23 photos) assistant (148 photos) Assistant Deputy Director (2 photos) Assistant Director (1 photo) Assistant Professor (81 photos) assistant professor in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering. For the IGB Faculty Hiring Initiative web page. (1 photo) assistants (89 photos) Associate Director (17 photos) associate director (6 photos) associate professor (1 photo) Associate Technology Manager (1 photo) Atkins Building (15 photos) Atrium (3 photos) attendees (110 photos) Audrey Killarney (1 photo) Austin Cyphersmith (1 photo) award winners (8 photos) baby (11 photos) bagels (10 photos) Bake-off (4 photos) balcony (2 photos) bales (42 photos) Bales (3 photos) banner (9 photos) Barbara Jauhola (2 photos) barn (33 photos) basketball; people; assembly Hall; Dee Brown; male; sports; orange (1 photo) bathroom (3 photos) BCX (33 photos) BCXT (76 photos) beaker (7 photos) Beaker (2 photos) beaker holder (4 photos) beakers (26 photos) beams (50 photos) Beckman Institute (77 photos) Becky Arundale (24 photos) Becky Arundale Miscanthus EBI Energy Farm (1 photo) Becky Heid (12 photos) Becky Slattery (1 photo) bed (8 photos) bedroom (1 photo) Bee (44 photos) Bee Research Facility (382 photos) Bees (94 photos) Beeson (1 photo) beespace (8 photos) Beespace (60 photos) BeeSpace 2009 Conference Harris Lewin Professor Bruce Schatz Medical Information Science faculty researcher Genomics of Neural and Behavioral Plasticity theme Honey Bee research (14 photos) BeeSpace 2009 Conference Professor Bruce Schatz Medical Information Science faculty researcher Genomics of Neural and Behavioral Plasticity theme Honey Bee research (34 photos) beetles (19 photos) Bell (1 photo) Ben Circello (17 photos) bench (18 photos) Benjamin Garcia (12 photos) Benjamin Griffin (44 photos) Berkeley (12 photos) Betty Ujhelyi (37 photos) bevier cafe too (5 photos) Bevier Hall (6 photos) BGI (132 photos) BGI group (20 photos) bike path (6 photos) Bill (William) Metcalf (39 photos) Bill (William) Metcalf Benjamin Griffin MMG Mining Microbial Genomes for Novel Antibiotics (1 photo) Bill Metcalf (14 photos) Bill Metcalf lab. (5 photos) Bill Metcalf's lab (98 photos) bin (7 photos) Bin Zhao (3 photos) binder (1 photo) binders (1 photo) BioBEL (233 photos) BioBEL fellow (1 photo) Biocomplexity (43 photos) Biocomplexity (BCXT) (2 photos) Biocomplexity theme (463 photos) Biocomplexity Theme Hopping (BCXT) (54 photos) bioenergy (131 photos) Bioenergy Analyst (6 photos) bioenergy farms (100 photos) Bioenergy Feedstocks Symposium 2011 (40 photos) Bioenergy Symposium 2010 (70 photos) Bioengineering (2 photos) biofuel (131 photos) Biofuels Law Conference (1 photo) Biofuels Law Conference 2012 (8 photos) Biology library (32 photos) Biology Library archives (102 photos) biomass crops (198 photos) biosynthesis (1 photo) Biotech Center (22 photos) Biotech center 9.19.11 (60 photos) bird (35 photos) bird plates (38 photos) birds (6 photos) black and white (9 photos) black and white flower (1 photo) blackboard (53 photos) blood (42 photos) blood drive (7 photos) blue (45 photos) blue and yellow background (1 photo) blue background (12 photos) blue cap (8 photos) blue clear water (2 photos) blue lab gloves (29 photos) blue sky (11 photos) blueprint (23 photos) Bo Wang (3 photos) Bo Wang (post doc) (2 photos) boat (12 photos) Bob Easter (33 photos) Bob Koester (1 photo) Bob Mann (9 photos) Bonta structure (2 photos) Book (20 photos) book (86 photos) books (27 photos) Bosola (45 photos) Bosola Oladeinde (34 photos) bottle (5 photos) bottles (48 photos) bouquet (7 photos) Box lunches (2 photos) boy (4 photos) BP (234 photos) BP Chief Bioscientist (2 photos) BP Chief Scientist (10 photos) Brad Evans (15 photos) Brad Schwartz (2 photos) brain (1 photo) brain CAT scan (26 photos) branch (5 photos) Brandon Bozarth (3 photos) Brandon Burkhart (6 photos) Brandon James (11 photos) Brandon Smith (13 photos) breakfast sandwich (8 photos) Brenda Roy (4 photos) Brenda Wilson (131 photos) Brendan Harley (6 photos) Brian Baldwin (7 photos) Brian Conroy (3 photos) Brian Stauffer (4 photos) Brian White (10 photos) bricks (10 photos) Bright Agindotan (25 photos) brochures (2 photos) bronze tablet (1 photo) Brooks McCall (1 photo) Bruce Fouke (134 photos) Bruce Schatz (40 photos) brush (1 photo) Bryan Endres (14 photos) Bryan White (13 photos) BSD large lab pics (28 photos) BSD Robot (15 photos) Budget and Resource Planning (1 photo) bug (4 photos) building (115 photos) building 12.7.11 (2 photos) Building Dedication (2 photos) building dedication (265 photos) building dedication participants (1 photo) building exterior (1 photo) building layout blueprint (2 photos) Building pics 7.19.11 (21 photos) building reflection (1 photo) buildings (38 photos) Burrill Hall (92 photos) bus (3 photos) bush (1 photo) Business (2 photos) Business Economics and Law of Genomic Biology (225 photos) C4 CAM Symposium 2013 (1 photo) cabinet (7 photos) cactus (6 photos) Cafe (1 photo) cafe (223 photos) camera (1 photo) camera view (4 photos) camp (99 photos) campus (39 photos) Candice Smith (12 photos) canopy (2 photos) caps (4 photos) car (92 photos) car bioenergy biofuel Energy Biosciences Institute theme gas station ethanol (8 photos) Carl Bernacchi (4 photos) Carl Bradley (2 photos) Carl Woese (184 photos) Carl's jacket (44 photos) Carle Foundation hospital (23 photos) Carle Foundation Hospital Research (5 photos) carpet (2 photos) Carrie Ramig (1 photo) Carrie Thurber (1 photo) cars (31 photos) cart (3 photos) caterpillar (16 photos) CDMC (39 photos) ceiling (29 photos) Cell and Developmental Biology (21 photos) cell and structural biology (26 photos) cell sorter (42 photos) cells (21 photos) Cellular Decision Making in Cancer (40 photos) CEM 2013 Graduation (13 photos) cem class (5 photos) CEM classroom (1 photo) CEM program reception at I-Cyt (18 photos) CEM student (1 photo) cem student (6 photos) cem students (22 photos) CEM students (6 photos) centerpiece (3 photos) ceremony (6 photos) Certificate in Entrepreneurship and Management Program (13 photos) certificates (3 photos) Chacellor Richard Herman (12 photos) chair (15 photos) chairs (78 photos) Chakrabarty (49 photos) Chakrabarty family (2 photos) Chanaka Rabel (49 photos) Chancellor Richard Herman (45 photos) Charles Chen (15 photos) Charles Pignon (3 photos) Charles Schroeder under Cann (1 photo) Charles Schroeder under Cann - grayscale (1 photo) Charles Zukoski (35 photos) Charlie Whitfield (31 photos) chart (42 photos) chat (2 photos) cheese (13 photos) Chemical and Biomolecular Egineering (2 photos) Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering (40 photos) Chemical and Life Sciences Lab (15 photos) Chemical and Life Sciences Laboratory (291 photos) chemical hood (32 photos) chemicals (1 photo) Chemistry (2 photos) children (1 photo) Chinese Wingnut (5 photos) chlorophyll (15 photos) chlorophyll fluorescent imaging system (22 photos) Chris Kaiser - under Erik Sacks (1 photo) Chris Kaiser - under Erik Sacks - grayscale (1 photo) Chris Rao (2 photos) Chris Rudisill (3 photos) Chris Somerville (105 photos) Chris Thibodeaux (3 photos) Christine Crago (7 photos) Christine Fleener- under Sacks-grayscale (1 photo) Christopher (Chris) J. Fields (1 photo) Christopher Balakrishnan (2 photos) Christopher Black (1 photo) Christopher Fields (1 photo) Christopher Thibodeaux (2 photos) civil and environmental engineering (11 photos) Claire Sturgeon (7 photos) Clairmont Clementson (2 photos) Clare Casteel (1 photo) class (1 photo) Clean Lab (12 photos) clear (17 photos) Clock tour (123 photos) close-up (33 photos) close-up; science; research; coral; macro (1 photo) close-ups (69 photos) cloud (17 photos) clouds (21 photos) CLSL (306 photos) CNRG (4 photos) Co PI (4 photos) Co-PI (31 photos) Co-PI - under Fouke (1 photo) Co-PI - under Fouke - grayscale (1 photo) Co-PI under Gerlt (2 photos) co-PI with Evan Delucia (2 photos) CO2 (19 photos) CO2 tank (1 photo) coat (1 photo) coats (1 photo) Cody Markelz (2 photos) coffee (4 photos) coil (22 photos) cold room (25 photos) collection (58 photos) College of Law (74 photos) communications (18 photos) Communications (10 photos) Communications Specialist (8 photos) Communications team (24 photos) computer (28 photos) Computer and Network Resource Group (2 photos) computer screen (38 photos) concrete (3 photos) conference (51 photos) conference room (121 photos) Conference Room (34 photos) Confocal Microscope (5 photos) Congress (1 photo) Connie Wilder (15 photos) Conservatory (11 photos) construction (503 photos) cookies (8 photos) coral (34 photos) coral reef (1 photo) coral reefs (10 photos) Core facilities (14 photos) Core Facilities (160 photos) Core Facilities staff (1 photo) Core Facilities Staff (7 photos) Core Facilities Wall (3 photos) core facility (49 photos) Core Gallery Opening 3.31.11 (144 photos) Core wall (14 photos) Corey Mitchell (3 photos) Corey Mitchell - under DeLucia (1 photo) Corey Mitchell - under DeLucia - grayscale (1 photo) corn (175 photos) corn crib (67 photos) corn roots (4 photos) corn stalk (4 photos) corn; dusk (11 photos) corner (21 photos) Cory Christensen (3 photos) couch (3 photos) couches (7 photos) Courtney Cox (2 photos) Courtney Leisner (1 photo) covered hay (3 photos) cows (37 photos) crab (5 photos) crabs (5 photos) crack (7 photos) cracks (3 photos) Craig Yendrek (1 photo) crane (8 photos) Creek (9 photos) croissant (14 photos) crop science (13 photos) Crop Science (28 photos) crop sciences (197 photos) Crop Sciences (58 photos) Crystal Ahn (11 photos) cubicle (2 photos) cubicles (7 photos) Cuixia Chen (1 photo) D.K. Lee (1 photo) dairy barns (4 photos) Dale Johnston (1 photo) Dale Lipsey (1 photo) Damla Bilgin (1 photo) Dan Davidson (9 photos) Dan Klopfenstein (2 photos) Dan Rokshar (2 photos) Dan Rokshar: under Moose (1 photo) Dan Wang (8 photos) Dan Xie (10 photos) Daniel Szewczyk (2 photos) Darci Edmonson (17 photos) Darci Wooden (23 photos) dark (24 photos) darwin's playground (9 photos) Darwin's Playground (10 photos) Darwin's playground (138 photos) Darwins Playground (17 photos) Darwin’s Playground (23 photos) data (2 photos) David Bettinardi (4 photos) David Chicoine (7 photos) David Drag (1 photo) David Gilbert (3 photos) David Kinley Hall (14 photos) David Lebauer (1 photo) David LeBauer - under Dietze (1 photo) David LeBauer - under Dietze- grayscale (1 photo) David Marshak (80 photos) David Oh (1 photo) David Rosenthal (6 photos) David Slater (11 photos) Dawn Eriksen (25 photos) DCL (4 photos) Deb Bolgla (5 photos) Deborah Leckband (28 photos) Deborah Swanson (71 photos) Dee Fieckert (1 photo) Deepak Jaiswal (11 photos) Department of Plant Biology (2 photos) deputy director (6 photos) Deputy Director (5 photos) Deputy Operations Director (2 photos) desert (5 photos) desk (14 photos) desks (18 photos) detail (160 photos) diagram (61 photos) diagrams (21 photos) different renditions of lacticin 481 (1 photo) digger (4 photos) dinner (1 photo) directions (4 photos) Director (56 photos) director (183 photos) Director of Budget and Resource Planning (12 photos) Director of Communciations and Darci Wooden (2 photos) Director of Communications (3 photos) Director of Computer and Network Resource Group (7 photos) director of core facilities (1 photo) director of development (1 photo) Director of Operations and Facilities (14 photos) dirt (83 photos) DNA (70 photos) DNA films (34 photos) DNA gel (61 photos) doctor (74 photos) Doctor Suzanne Stratton (124 photos) doctors (26 photos) documents (2 photos) Domenico Bernoco (10 photos) Don Hamerman (3 photos) Don Ort (25 photos) Don Ort Lab Group (1 photo) Donna Epps (6 photos) door (23 photos) Double Helix (2 photos) Doug Mitchell (10 photos) Doug Mitchell lab (2 photos) Doug Nelson (2 photos) Doug Nelson Gene Robinson Art of Science (1 photo) Dr. Ananda Chakrabarty (23 photos) Dr. Ananda Chakrabarty family (2 photos) Dr. Sua (Su-A) Myong (1 photo) drawing (1 photo) Drew Schlumpf (21 photos) droplets (18 photos) droppers (6 photos) dry erase board (9 photos) dry ice (17 photos) duct (9 photos) Dudley Smith Farms (1 photo) dusk (231 photos) Dylan Dodd (46 photos) eating (1 photo) EBI (2942 photos) EBI Board (24 photos) EBI Deputy Director Stephen Long (23 photos) EBI director (25 photos) EBI Energy Farm (144 photos) EBI entryway (17 photos) EBI Farm (303 photos) EBI farm (7 photos) EBI farm equipment (3 photos) EBI grayscale (1 photo) EBI Holiday Party 2010 (12 photos) EBI lab (61 photos) EBI meeting (1 photo) EBI sign (25 photos) EBI; Berkeley; graduate student; Simonin; Louise Glass (1 photo) EBI; Jenkins; Altschuler (3 photos) EBI; Willems (3 photos) Economics (1 photo) Economics and Law of Genomic Biology (1 photo) Economics and Law of Genomic Biology (BioBEL) (1 photo) Ed Roy (2 photos) education; lab; science; campus; college; university; green; research (8 photos) EFI (99 photos) Elbert Branscomb (27 photos) elevation (1 photo) Eliezer Schwarz (1 photo) Elise Scott (1 photo) Elizabeth Hawkins (1 photo) Ellen Williams (10 photos) Elyra S1 system (7 photos) Ember (22 photos) Embryo (9 photos) emergency eye wash (1 photo) emergency shower (2 photos) Emily Thomas (21 photos) Energy (57 photos) energy biosciences Institute (13 photos) Energy Biosciences Institute (673 photos) Energy Biosciences Institute (EBI) (1 photo) Energy Biosciences Institute theme (131 photos) Energy Biosciences Institutes (1 photo) Energy Farm (628 photos) energy farm (13 photos) Energy farm (1 photo) Energy Farm 6.21.11 (70 photos) Energy Farm tour (54 photos) Engineering quad (10 photos) Engineering Sciences Building (41 photos) EnterpriseWorks Core Gallery Show (14 photos) Entomology (66 photos) entomology (45 photos) entryway (8 photos) environmental group photo (2 photos) environmental portrait (17 photos) Enzyme Function Initiative (96 photos) equipment (761 photos) Equipment (93 photos) Eric Anderson (1 photo) Eric Anderson - under Voigt (2 photos) Eric Anderson - under Voigt -grayscale (1 photo) Eric Rund (57 photos) Erik Sacks (5 photos) Ernest Bailey (3 photos) ESI Chip (6 photos) ethanol (100 photos) Eun Joong Oh (1 photo) Eun-Joong Oh (1 photo) Evan DeLucia (43 photos) Evan Delucia (1 photo) evaporator and trailer at soyface (1 photo) experiment (139 photos) experimental plant (11 photos) exterior (955 photos) external (2 photos) Fab Lab (7 photos) facade (1 photo) facial reconstruction (33 photos) Facilities Manager (29 photos) Faculty (120 photos) faculty (850 photos) Faculty - ReBTE (1 photo) fall (330 photos) Fall (16 photos) Fall 2011 (8 photos) family portrait (1 photo) farm (61 photos) Farm Building (2 photos) farm equipment (10 photos) farmer (57 photos) farmers (161 photos) faucet (17 photos) Fei Wang (22 photos) fellow (12 photos) Fellow (116 photos) Fellows (4 photos) Fellows Symposium 2010 (15 photos) Fellows Symposium 2011 (42 photos) Fellows Symposium 2012 (32 photos) fence (8 photos) ferment (13 photos) Fermentation (44 photos) fiberglass (23 photos) field (683 photos) Field Research Specialist (3 photos) figure (17 photos) figures (16 photos) file cabinets (1 photo) Finch (1 photo) finch (8 photos) Fish (13 photos) fish (2 photos) fistulated cow (14 photos) flags (33 photos) floor (8 photos) flower (12 photos) flower pots (1 photo) flowers (99 photos) fluorescence lifetime imaging microscope (15 photos) Fluorimager (22 photos) fly (1 photo) flying (7 photos) Foellinger Auditorium (12 photos) Foellinger; Foellinger Auditorium; trees; Quad; Main Quad; leaves (1 photo) Folios (134 photos) food (42 photos) Food buffet (3 photos) food buffet (2 photos) formaldehyde (27 photos) Fouke research (20 photos) foundation (8 photos) fractal (2 photos) frame wall (4 photos) Frog (9 photos) fruit (13 photos) Fruit flies (48 photos) Fu Dog Garden; sculpture; sculpture walk; Allerton Park; Monticello; art (1 photo) Gabriel Horton (29 photos) Gabriella Woese (4 photos) Galapagos (318 photos) Galapagos; cactus; ocean (1 photo) Galapagos; dusk (1 photo) Galapagos; mountains (1 photo) Galapagos; mud (1 photo) Galapagos; ocean (2 photos) Galapagos; rain forest (6 photos) Galapagos; seal (1 photo) Galapagos; water (5 photos) gallery balcony (1 photo) Game Night 2013 (14 photos) Gary Anderson (14 photos) Gary Kling Co - PI under Tom Voigt (1 photo) Gary Kling Co - PI under Tom Voigt- grayscale (1 photo) Gary Olsen (24 photos) gas pump (8 photos) gas station (100 photos) Gatehouse (439 photos) Gatehouse Atrium (2 photos) Gatehouse fall (1 photo) Gatehouse lobby (2 photos) Gavin Maxwell (6 photos) GBB (194 photos) Geena Skariah (1 photo) GEGC (396 photos) gel electrophoresis (11 photos) Gene Robinson (67 photos) General pics of IGB for newcoming scientist 9.30.13 (8 photos) genes (2 photos) Genomic Ecology of Global Change (239 photos) Genomic Ecology of Global Change Theme (99 photos) Genomic Ecology of Global Change theme (241 photos) Genomic Ecology of Global Change theme Plant Biology (28 photos) Genomics of Neural and Behavioral Plasticity (214 photos) Genomics of Neural and Behavioral Plasticity (GBB) (2 photos) Genomics of Neural and Behavioral Plasticity theme (464 photos) Genotyping machine (98 photos) geology (8 photos) George Hickman (1 photo) George Lewin (19 photos) George Lixin Gong (1 photo) Georgina Cheng (52 photos) Gerald Shea (9 photos) German Bollero (4 photos) girl (1 photo) glass (22 photos) glass door (21 photos) glasses (26 photos) Glassware (42 photos) glassware (164 photos) Glen Redford (8 photos) Glenn Fried (50 photos) Glenn Redford (15 photos) Gloria Rendon (1 photo) glove (17 photos) GNBP (156 photos) Godshen Pallipparambil (1 photo) Golden Groove Field (1 photo) Governor Pat Quinn (41 photos) GPS (42 photos) Grace Abernathy (1 photo) grad students (15 photos) graduate student (15 photos) graduate students (48 photos) Grants and Contracts Specialist (1 photo) graph (5 photos) grass (104 photos) grass sample (2 photos) grass Samples (1 photo) grass samples (2 photos) grasses (6 photos) grate (96 photos) gravel (3 photos) grayscale (140 photos) Grayscale (2 photos) green (49 photos) green and yellow sample or specimen tray (5 photos) green background (16 photos) green room (24 photos) green sample or specimen tray (4 photos) Greenhouse (11 photos) greenhouse (86 photos) greenroom (23 photos) Gregory Drive (1 photo) Grennan (2 photos) grey background (10 photos) ground (3 photos) group (4 photos) Growth Chamber (1 photo) growth chambers (69 photos) Growth Chambers (23 photos) guest (1 photo) guests (1 photo) Guochang Zhang (1 photo) Gus Behnke (1 photo) gutter (4 photos) Gwen Ball (1 photo) Haixiao Huang (2 photos) Haley (1 photo) Haley Ahlers (45 photos) Hallene Gateway; blue sky (1 photo) Halloween 2011 (47 photos) hallway (42 photos) hand (18 photos) hands (50 photos) hanger (1 photo) Hanna Hofer (29 photos) Hanna Hoferm (1 photo) Hans Blaschek (33 photos) Hans Blaschek lab. (5 photos) Hans Bohnert (22 photos) Harriet Lewin (3 photos) Harriette Lewin (13 photos) Harris Farewell Party 2.19.11 (87 photos) Harris Lewin (552 photos) Harris Lewin Daughter Investiture (1 photo) harvest (393 photos) hay (53 photos) hay bale (16 photos) hay bales (98 photos) Hayri Onal (5 photos) headlights (31 photos) Hector Nunez - under Khanna (1 photo) Hector Nunez - under Khanna-grayscale (1 photo) hedge (3 photos) Heejin Kim (1 photo) Heidi Imker (2 photos) height (13 photos) Helen Branson (3 photos) Helen Hwang (7 photos) Helen Neef (4 photos) Hercules (2 photos) Highway (31 photos) his wife (1 photo) histones (2 photos) hive (20 photos) HMS (117 photos) HMS theme (13 photos) hole (4 photos) holes (3 photos) holiday (88 photos) Honey Bee research (60 photos) hood (21 photos) hooks (4 photos) horse farm (59 photos) horses (30 photos) host Microbe system petri dish (1 photo) Host Microbe System Petri Dish (1 photo) Host Microbe Systems (75 photos) Host Microbe Systems Petri dish (1 photo) Host Microbe Systems theme (5 photos) Host-Microbe Systems (114 photos) Host-Microbe Systems theme (204 photos) Host-microbe systems theme (129 photos) hot air balloon (21 photos) hot springs (9 photos) Hotel (1 photo) hotel (12 photos) house (5 photos) Howard Grundy's Paver (7 photos) HPCBio (1 photo) Hsiao-shan Yang (1 photo) hug (1 photo) Hugh Robertson (14 photos) Huimin Zhao (37 photos) Hyo Jin Kim (1 photo) Hyun Joon Kong (1 photo) I-Hotel (76 photos) Ian Moses-under Ting (1 photo) Ian Moses-under Ting-grayscale (1 photo) ice (9 photos) IGB (367 photos) IGB Administration (147 photos) IGB Annual Report 2013 (67 photos) IGB BBQ 2013 (1 photo) IGB building (214 photos) IGB Building (1433 photos) IGB building dedication (4 photos) IGB building model (13 photos) IGB building reflection (2 photos) IGB Communications (4 photos) IGB Communications Director (28 photos) IGB Core Facilities of the Month (2 photos) IGB Director Harris Lewin (31 photos) IGB Energy Conservation (2 photos) IGB exterior (16 photos) IGB Felllow (Biocomplexity theme) (1 photo) IGB fellow (14 photos) IGB Fellow (123 photos) IGB Gatehouse Lobby (6 photos) IGB Gatehouse lobby (5 photos) IGB Lab (59 photos) IGB logo (6 photos) IGB Party (9 photos) IGB sign (2 photos) iGEM (2 photos) iGem team 2011 (10 photos) IGERT (8 photos) iguana (23 photos) iguanas (7 photos) IL (1 photo) Ilesanmi Adesida (3 photos) illini center (25 photos) Illini Union (5 photos) Illinois sign (2 photos) Illinois Workshop on Regenerative Biology and Tissue Engineering (48 photos) Ilsa Beth Kantola (1 photo) Ilsa Kantola (1 photo) image (35 photos) Immunobiology (18 photos) In Iok Kong (1 photo) Indu Rupassara (36 photos) informal (1 photo) Inner Fish (36 photos) insect (10 photos) Insect collection (27 photos) insect plates (77 photos) insects (4 photos) Institute for Genomic Biology (1368 photos) Institute for Genomic Biology Fellow (1 photo) Institute for Genomic Biology. (2 photos) Institute for Sustainability (57 photos) Institute of Genomic Biology (2 photos) interior (596 photos) International Intellectual Property Law and Policy (14 photos) irises (5 photos) Isaac Cann (92 photos) Isaac K. O. Cann (12 photos) IT (6 photos) Jack Juvik (4 photos) Jack Widholm (1 photo) Jacklyn Rodriguez (1 photo) Jaebum Kim (4 photos) James Barham (1 photo) James Davis (5 photos) James Doroghazi (1 photo) James Lee (1 photo) James McCubbins (1 photo) James Slauch (48 photos) James Weyhenmeyer (4 photos) Jan Grimes (5 photos) Janessa Gentry (1 photo) Japan House (21 photos) jar (3 photos) Jared Weddell (1 photo) Jarrad Prasafika (3 photos) Jarrad Prasifka (4 photos) jars (101 photos) Jason Kim (8 photos) jaw bone (2 photos) jawbone (10 photos) Jay Kesan (90 photos) Jay Mittenthal (10 photos) Jaya Yodh (3 photos) Jed Willard (14 photos) Jeff Chuang (5 photos) Jeff Skoneczka (1 photo) Jen Rice (1 photo) Jennifer Quebedeaux (1 photo) Jennifer Quirk (18 photos) Jenny Drnevich (1 photo) Jenny Kokini (3 photos) Jesse Miller (1 photo) Jessica Kirkpatrick (2 photos) Jian Ma (2 photos) Jiazhang Lian (1 photo) Jim Collins (post doc) (2 photos) Jin Hee Jin (65 photos) Jin Hee Lee (32 photos) Jin Lee (27 photos) Jin-Ho Choi (1 photo) Jindong Sun (1 photo) Jing Dong (25 photos) Jo Ann Cameron (2 photos) Jo Pride (33 photos) Jody Endres (40 photos) Jody Endres lab group (5 photos) Joel Cioni (4 photos) John (53 photos) John Beaver (132 photos) John Braden (42 photos) John Conour (37 photos) John Cronan (2 photos) John Drake (2 photos) John Gerlt (5 photos) John Pierce (2 photos) John Pingel (3 photos) John Whitteck (86 photos) Joint Genome Institute (1 photo) Jonathan Sweedler (30 photos) Jose Solbiati (16 photos) Joshua Burke (19 photos) Journal of Law (17 photos) Journal of Law Technology and Policy (55 photos) Joyce Koeberlein (1 photo) Juan Velasquez (54 photos) Julia Martin (1 photo) Juliette Morris (3 photos) July 2011 (1 photo) Juntao Gao (6 photos) Jure Leskovec (5 photos) Justin Maughan (1 photo) Justin McGrath (1 photo) K.C. Ting (34 photos) K.C.Ting group (1 photo) Kankshita Swaminathan (19 photos) Kannan Puthuval (1 photo) Karen Sears (2 photos) Karin Dahmen (24 photos) Karl Simon (7 photos) Kat Grennan (1 photo) Kat LaCoste (2 photos) Katarzyna Glowacka (1 photo) Kathleen Keating (1 photo) Kathryn Coulter (2 photos) Kathryne Metcalf photographer (1 photo) Katia Glowacka (18 photos) Katie Richter (1 photo) KC Ting (80 photos) Keara Fanning (1 photo) Keck Center (35 photos) Kelly Gillespie (1 photo) Kenny Phillip (1 photo) Kevin Freeney (2 photos) key (8 photos) keys (6 photos) Kim Hughes (15 photos) Kingsley Boateng (1 photo) KnowEng (10 photos) koala research (19 photos) Kristen Replogle (3 photos) Kristina Anderson-Teixeira (12 photos) Kristina Gronkiewicz (1 photo) Kunal Shrungarkar- under Gray (1 photo) Kurt Thomas (5 photos) Kyeon Heo (3 photos) Kyle Dawson (1 photo) lab (1261 photos) Lab (57 photos) lab assistant (39 photos) lab coats (4 photos) Lab Details (14 photos) lab equiment (1 photo) lab equipment (16 photos) lab supplies (1 photo) lab supply (6 photos) lab work (6 photos) laboratory (207 photos) Laboratory Manager (9 photos) lacticin 481 (1 photo) lamp post (5 photos) landscape (1 photo) landscapers (1 photo) landscaping (46 photos) laptop (22 photos) large size (4 photos) Larry Schook (152 photos) laser (17 photos) laser beam (11 photos) Laser Beams (6 photos) Laura Frerichs (1 photo) Lauren Quinn (6 photos) Lauren Segal (1 photo) law (9 photos) Lawrence Schook (120 photos) leaf (34 photos) Leah Miller (17 photos) leaves (30 photos) lecture (35 photos) Lei Tian (3 photos) Lei Zhang (2 photos) Liang Xie (4 photos) light (40 photos) light pole (21 photos) light post (7 photos) lightpost (1 photo) Lindsay Clark (1 photo) Lindsey Heady (77 photos) Linlin Li- under Khanna (1 photo) Linlin Li- under Khanna-grayscale (1 photo) liquid (62 photos) liquid nitrogen (26 photos) liquids (9 photos) Lisa Ainsworth (70 photos) Lisa Ainsworth group (6 photos) Lisa Raetz - under DeLucia (1 photo) Lisa Raetz - under DeLucia - grayscale (1 photo) Lisa Stubbs (56 photos) Liudmila (Luda) Sergeevna Mainzer (1 photo) Liz Stull (3 photos) lizard (6 photos) Logan Traylor (3 photos) logo (14 photos) logs (2 photos) Lois Hoyer (30 photos) Long (2 photos) long time EBI researchers (1 photo) Loomis Lab (23 photos) Lori Carpenter (3 photos) Lori Heil (9 photos) lounge (4 photos) Luis Rodriguez (3 photos) lunch (21 photos) Lutgarde Raskin (19 photos) Lyle Wachtel (2 photos) Madhu Khanna (21 photos) Madigan Laboratory (262 photos) magazines (10 photos) Magdy Alabady (3 photos) magnets (1 photo) Main Library (40 photos) makerlab (2 photos) man (5 photos) Mandible Reconstruction Project (63 photos) Manfred Auer (4 photos) Marcelo Zeri (11 photos) Marcos Buckeridge (14 photos) Marcy Rosenblum (7 photos) Marie-Claude Hofman (1 photo) Marie-Claude Hofmann (1 photo) Mark Band (3 photos) Mark Castor (1 photo) Mark David (6 photos) Mark Ladd (3 photos) Mark Mikel (4 photos) markers (33 photos) Markus Pauly (1 photo) marshmallow (1 photo) marshmallows (1 photo) Martha Gillette (11 photos) mass spectrometer (59 photos) mass spectrum products (1 photo) materials science and engineering (35 photos) Matt Hudson (7 photos) Matt Seibers (1 photo) Matt Stewart (17 photos) Matt Stewart's images (2 photos) Matt Walker (2 photos) Matt Wheeler (31 photos) Matthew Hudson (1 photo) Matthew Nantie (1 photo) Matthew Stewart (56 photos) May Berenbaum (9 photos) Mayandi (Shiv) Sivaguru (7 photos) MBBC (5 photos) measurement (28 photos) Media/Communications Specialist (3 photos) Medical Information Science (23 photos) meeting (103 photos) Meeting (34 photos) Megan Hall (2 photos) Megan Hall: under Moose (1 photo) Melissa Edwards (28 photos) Melissa Lynch (7 photos) Melissa Mckillip (1 photo) Melissa McKillip (26 photos) metal (34 photos) metal rods (3 photos) metal umbrella (1 photo) MIAMI TRIBE OF OKLAHOMA (51 photos) MIAMI UNIVERSITY (51 photos) Micah Sweeney (1 photo) Micanthus Sinensis (2 photos) mice (16 photos) Michael Bach (1 photo) Michael Dietze (13 photos) Michael Gray (6 photos) Michael Iakiviak (3 photos) Michael Masters (1 photo) Michael Wang (11 photos) Micro fluidic turbulent mixer slide (32 photos) Microarray (11 photos) microarray slide (3 photos) microbe (5 photos) Microbial (3 photos) microbiology (116 photos) Microbiology (135 photos) Microcentrifuge tubes (40 photos) microfluidics (4 photos) Microscope (6 photos) microscope (184 photos) Microscopy Facility Manager (6 photos) microscopy laboratory (49 photos) Mike Gray (20 photos) Mike Gray Lab (6 photos) Mike Gray's Co-PI (2 photos) Mike Gray's Lab (67 photos) Mike Masters (22 photos) Mike Ross (2 photos) Mike Suguitan (5 photos) Mining Microbial Genomes (8 photos) Mining Microbial Genomes for Novel Antibiotics (458 photos) Mining Microbial Genomes for Novel Antibiotics theme (369 photos) Mirhee Lee (2 photos) miscanthus (262 photos) Miscanthus (571 photos) miscanthus bales (7 photos) miscanthus close-up (19 photos) Miscanthus Giganteus (158 photos) miscanthus planting (57 photos) miscanthus stalks (24 photos) Miscanthus Stalks (20 photos) MMG (486 photos) MMG theme group photo (2 photos) model (69 photos) mold specimens (53 photos) Molecular Anthropology (15 photos) Molecular Bioengineering of Biomass Conversion (66 photos) Molecular Bioengineering of Biomass Conversion theme (77 photos) Monday Ahonsi (3 photos) monitor (10 photos) moon (15 photos) Morrill Hall (15 photos) morrow plots (10 photos) Morrow Plots (228 photos) Mortar and pestle (28 photos) mortar and pestle (14 photos) moss (4 photos) mother (1 photo) mountains (3 photos) mouse (38 photos) muffin (19 photos) Mumford Hall (13 photos) musicians (1 photo) MYAAMIA CENTER (51 photos) Na Wei (1 photo) nails (2 photos) nameplate (5 photos) nanoelectrospray emitter (6 photos) Nanozoomer (51 photos) Natalie (1 photo) Nathan Gabrielson (5 photos) Nathan Price (56 photos) Native American (51 photos) Natural History Building (58 photos) Neil Kelleher (91 photos) Neil Shubin (36 photos) Nevo Band (2 photos) Nicholas Chia (1 photo) Nick Chia (3 photos) Nick Vasi (33 photos) Nigel (4 photos) Nigel Goldenfeld (84 photos) night (24 photos) NMR (43 photos) Noah Reynolds (2 photos) nonobviousness (14 photos) noodles (10 photos) north side (2 photos) north side of IGB (1 photo) northwest side of building (3 photos) northwestern (26 photos) notebook (2 photos) notes (93 photos) NRCS-IA-99-0088.jpg; 88; Conservation Systems; Stripcropping; Aerial; City; Contour; Farmstead; CD3JPEG; NRCSIA99088.jpg (1 photo) nucleosome dynamics (3 photos) Nuria Gomez-Casanovas (1 photo) nurse (14 photos) oar (2 photos) observatory (4 photos) Observatory (14 photos) Observatory; dusk (1 photo) Occupational Safety Coordinator (11 photos) Ocean Veritas (2 photos) office (184 photos) Office Manager (2 photos) office manager (10 photos) Office Managers (2 photos) Office of Technology Management (OTM) (1 photo) Office Support Associate (12 photos) Office Support Specialist (1 photo) oil (1 photo) Oladeinde (45 photos) Olivia Niziolek (1 photo) OLLI (33 photos) opening (15 photos) Operations and Facilities (18 photos) Operations and Facilities Summer 5.17.11 (41 photos) orange (5 photos) orange cables (1 photo) orange circle (10 photos) orange powder (2 photos) ornamental grasses (2 photos) ornamental miscanthus (4 photos) Ornella Ngamboma (2 photos) Ort (2 photos) Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (33 photos) outside (1 photo) Outside IGB Building 2011 (16 photos) pages (20 photos) paint (21 photos) Pamela Hall (1 photo) Pan-Jun Kim (31 photos) Pana (1 photo) panels (10 photos) Panicum Virgatum (2 photos) panini (17 photos) paper (83 photos) papua new guinea (10 photos) papue new guinea (1 photo) party (81 photos) pastel (1 photo) Pat Brown (2 photos) Pat Brown Sorghum EBI Energy Farm (1 photo) Pat Schmitz (1 photo) patent (23 photos) Patent Law (8 photos) patent law (10 photos) path (1 photo) Pathobiology lab (30 photos) patient (72 photos) Patrick O'Donoghue (21 photos) patterns (10 photos) Paul Kenis (42 photos) Paul Nabity (2 photos) Paul Thomas (21 photos) Paul Wilems (1 photo) Paul Willems (158 photos) Pavers (2 photos) peaches (3 photos) pen (2 photos) people (55 photos) people gathering (5 photos) PEORIA TRIBE OF INDIANS OF OKLAHOMA (51 photos) periodicals (10 photos) Pest control (73 photos) Peter Yao (1 photo) petri (34 photos) Petri (1 photo) petri dish (14 photos) Petri dish (86 photos) petri dish tray (17 photos) petri dishes (60 photos) Petri dishes (177 photos) petri trays (29 photos) PETROSS (2 photos) Ph.D. (71 photos) PhD student (23 photos) Phil Newmark's lab (4 photos) Phillip Johnson (2 photos) phosphonate antiobiotics (22 photos) Photo assistant (1 photo) Photo by Brian Stauffer (1 photo) photo by Nick Vasi (61 photos) photographer (3 photos) photographer Glenn Fried (58 photos) photosynthesis (16 photos) Physics (23 photos) physics (44 photos) physics research theme leader (8 photos) physics. Institure for Genomic Biology. (1 photo) PI (79 photos) picnic (2 photos) picnic table (27 photos) pig (1 photo) Pig (9 photos) pig bone marrow (42 photos) Pig Embryo (20 photos) piglet (1 photo) piglets (62 photos) pigs (62 photos) Ping Ma (53 photos) pink (4 photos) pipes (18 photos) pipette (10 photos) pipettes (1 photo) pizza (20 photos) planarian regeneration (1 photo) Plant (12 photos) plant (40 photos) Plant Biology (247 photos) plant biology (60 photos) Plant material (42 photos) Plant Sciences (11 photos) Plant Sciences Laboratory (71 photos) planter (1 photo) Planting rhizomes (1 photo) Plants (64 photos) plants (4 photos) plaque (4 photos) plastic skull (33 photos) play biology (24 photos) plaza (1 photo) plot of soybean growing st elevated CO2 (1 photo) plugs (22 photos) Plywood (4 photos) pod (8 photos) podium (1 photo) pole (13 photos) pollen (2 photos) Pollen Power camp (58 photos) Pollen Power girls camp (65 photos) pollinatarium (26 photos) polyurethane (23 photos) portable photosynthesis system (16 photos) post doctoral research associate (1 photo) post-doctoral research associate (1 photo) postdocs (63 photos) Postdoctoral Fellow (71 photos) poster (2 photos) Poster displays (3 photos) poster displays (37 photos) poster session (16 photos) powder (2 photos) PowerPoint (23 photos) Powerpoint (24 photos) PPRO (243 photos) prairie (83 photos) Precision (20 photos) Precision Proteomics (170 photos) Precision Proteomics theme (65 photos) Precision Proteomics Theme (1 photo) presentation (2 photos) President Joe White (1 photo) President Joseph White (56 photos) President's House (1 photo) pressure gauge (5 photos) printed pollens (5 photos) prism (9 photos) professor (44 photos) Professor (253 photos) Professor John Xu (24 photos) professor of microbiology (10 photos) professor of physics; and Carl Woese (10 photos) Professor Ray Ming (35 photos) programs (2 photos) projection (24 photos) projector (1 photo) Proteomics (20 photos) Puneet Dwivedi (1 photo) purple (27 photos) Purple (1 photo) purple background (13 photos) purple dots (18 photos) purse (1 photo) quad (32 photos) Quad (9 photos) quiche (16 photos) Race Higgins - under Brown (1 photo) Race Higgins - under Brown- grayscale (1 photo) Rachel Shekar (18 photos) Radhika Khetani (1 photo) rafters (50 photos) Ragnar Ohlson (1 photo) railing (28 photos) rainbow color (6 photos) Rajshree Agarwal (11 photos) Rajshree Agarway (5 photos) Rajveer Singh (1 photo) Ran Chao (1 photo) Rasto Ivanic (3 photos) Rausser (1 photo) Ravi Kiran Donthu (1 photo) Ray Ming (1 photo) Rebecca Stumpf (32 photos) ReBTE (325 photos) ReBTE-Regenerative Biology and Tissue Engineering (57 photos) reception (59 photos) red (57 photos) red liquid (4 photos) Red-winged blackbirds (1 photo) reflection (86 photos) reflections (1 photo) refreshment table (1 photo) Regenerative Biology and Tissue Engineering (305 photos) Regenerative Biology and Tissue Engineering (ReBTE) (3 photos) Regenerative Biology and Tissue Engineering (ReBTE) 11.18.11 (48 photos) Regenerative Biology and Tissue Engineering them (1 photo) Regenerative Biology and Tissue Engineering theme (377 photos) Regenerative Biology and Tissue Engineeringg (1 photo) Registration (2 photos) registration check-in (2 photos) Reid Strellner (1 photo) relfection (9 photos) research (108 photos) Research (45 photos) Research Assistant (2 photos) Research assistant (22 photos) research equipment (2 photos) research theme leader (136 photos) Research Theme Leader (320 photos) Research theme leaders (4 photos) researcher (601 photos) Researcher (144 photos) researchers (235 photos) results (6 photos) Rex Gaskins (26 photos) rhizome (11 photos) rhizomes (25 photos) Rich Pyter (21 photos) Ripan Malhi (67 photos) RIPE (19 photos) RIPE; growth chamber (2 photos) RIPE; growth chamber; rice (10 photos) RIPE; growth chamber; tobacco (4 photos) RIPE; growth chamber; transformation; tobacco (3 photos) road (1 photo) Rob Cicchillo (28 photos) Robert Chicchillo (56 photos) Robert Clegg (8 photos) Robert Lane (2 photos) Robert Mann (2 photos) Robert Miller (1 photo) Robert Sanford (1 photo) Robert Sanford - under Fouke (1 photo) Robert Warrior (1 photo) robot (1 photo) Robot (10 photos) robotic helicopter and vehicle (6 photos) Robotic printer (35 photos) rock samples (11 photos) rocks (5 photos) Rod Mackey (336 photos) Rod Mackie (15 photos) Roderick Mackie (11 photos) Roger Adams Laboratory (178 photos) Ron Kolb (2 photos) Ronda Sullivan (3 photos) roof (154 photos) room (21 photos) rooms (1 photo) Rosane Oliveira (22 photos) Rotstrahlbusch (2 photos) round barn (93 photos) Round Barn (67 photos) Round Barn; Round Dairy Barn; blue sky; farm; barn; South Farms (1 photo) Round barns (134 photos) Roy J. Carver Biotechnology Center (6 photos) Rubin (1 photo) Ruiqing Miao (1 photo) Ruiquing Miao (1 photo) rumen (3 photos) Russ Jamison (35 photos) rust (4 photos) Ryan Boyd (1 photo) Ryan Stewart (10 photos) Rynders (25 photos) Saber Miresmailli (2 photos) safety glasses (17 photos) salad (15 photos) sample (100 photos) Sample (3 photos) sample tray (6 photos) samples (490 photos) sampling (23 photos) sand (1 photo) sandwich (14 photos) Sandy Carroll (6 photos) Sara Lewin (16 photos) Sarah Davis (16 photos) Sarah London (14 photos) Sarah Williams (2 photos) Sarath Janga (6 photos) Satish Nair (2 photos) Saurabh Sinha (61 photos) scanner sign (1 photo) Schook (1 photo) science cover (4 photos) Scott Kreher (1 photo) screen (4 photos) scuffle (8 photos) scuffling (7 photos) sculptors (23 photos) sculpture (125 photos) sculptures (22 photos) seagull (3 photos) seagulls (1 photo) seal (15 photos) seals (4 photos) Seed head (14 photos) seed head (131 photos) self (7 photos) server room (8 photos) Server Room (15 photos) shade (1 photo) shadow (53 photos) shadows (3 photos) Sharma (12 photos) Sharon (25 photos) Sharon Gray (34 photos) Sharon Lee (2 photos) shed (3 photos) shelf (1 photo) shelves (19 photos) Sheng Zhong (11 photos) Shiv Mayandi (21 photos) Shiv Sivaguru (5 photos) Shosuke Yoshida (3 photos) shovel (11 photos) Sida Hermaphrodita (10 photos) Sida hermaphrodita (1 photo) side of barn (1 photo) side of building (1 photo) side view (3 photos) sidewalk (3 photos) siding (3 photos) Siebel Center (6 photos) Sierra Exif (1 photo) sign (28 photos) sign BIOHAZARD (1 photo) Sijin Li (1 photo) silo (4 photos) Silo (8 photos) silos (4 photos) Simons Grant (15 photos) simplified lantibiotics biosynthesis (1 photo) SING Conference 2015 (1 photo) SING workshop (1 photo) sink (18 photos) Siyao Liu (Clare) (1 photo) sketch (5 photos) Skip Kleist (1 photo) sky (90 photos) slate (1 photo) slates (8 photos) slide (28 photos) small paver (10 photos) Smith Hall (1 photo) Snow (66 photos) snow (170 photos) snowflake wall (6 photos) snowflakes (11 photos) Societal Roles (60 photos) soil (23 photos) soil science; microbial ecology; environmental microbiology (3 photos) soil science; microbial ecology; environmental microbiology; Angela Kent; soil centrifuge (12 photos) soil science; microbial ecology; environmental microbiology; petri dish (1 photo) soil science; microbial ecology; environmental microbiology; petri dish; plants (27 photos) soil science; microbial ecology; environmental microbiology; petri dish; test tubes; plants (8 photos) soil science; microbial ecology; environmental microbiology; soil centrifuge; soil (53 photos) soil science; microbial ecology; environmental microbiology; soil; samples (152 photos) soil science; microbial ecology; environmental microbiology; test tubes; plants (48 photos) solutions (12 photos) Somerville (6 photos) Soo Rin Kim (11 photos) south campus (61 photos) south farm (5 photos) South Farms (131 photos) South farms (242 photos) southeast campus (1 photo) southwest corner (2 photos) soy (114 photos) Soy (1 photo) Soy field (8 photos) soybean (30 photos) soybean fields (91 photos) soybeans (116 photos) Soybeans (8 photos) SoyFACE (267 photos) SoyFace (72 photos) soyface (2 photos) SoyFACE soybean fields South Farms (28 photos) SoyFACE soybean fields South Farms Genomic Ecology of Global Change theme Plant Biology Ainsworth (5 photos) SoyFACE soybean fields South Farms Genomic Ecology of Global Change theme Plant Biology Bernacchi (12 photos) SoyFACE soybean fields South Farms Genomic Ecology of Global Change theme Plant Biology Bernacchi Ainsworth (1 photo) SoyFACE soybean fields South Farms Genomic Ecology of Global Change theme Plant Biology Bernacchi Ort Ainsworth (53 photos) SoyFACE soybean fields South Farms Genomic Ecology of Global Change theme Plant Biology Ort (14 photos) speaking (88 photos) specimen (15 photos) specimens (65 photos) spectrometer (3 photos) Spencer Mamer (1 photo) spider (1 photo) spiral (2 photos) St. Elmo Brady (10 photos) stack (4 photos) staff (16 photos) Staff Appreciation (42 photos) staircase (6 photos) stairs (100 photos) Stairs (3 photos) stairs down to bevier cafe too (1 photo) stairway (30 photos) stairwell (36 photos) starved rock (129 photos) Stauffer (1 photo) Stefanie Bumpus (16 photos) STEM Academy (10 photos) Stem Cell Facility (135 photos) stem cell samples (26 photos) Stephanie Bumpus (25 photos) Stephanie Ceman (1 photo) Stephanie Leischner (1 photo) Stephanie Puma (1 photo) Stephen Long (85 photos) Stephen Moose (106 photos) Stephen Rugg (5 photos) Steve Long (179 photos) Steve Long lab (3 photos) Steve Long Lab Manager (7 photos) Steve Moose (33 photos) Steven Blanke (27 photos) Steven Eckhoff (3 photos) Steven Michael (33 photos) storage (7 photos) street sign (1 photo) stucco (3 photos) student (86 photos) students (135 photos) studio portrait (3 photos) Sua Myong (9 photos) subgroup (1 photo) Sudipta Majumdar (3 photos) sugarcane (2 photos) Suk Jin Ha (1 photo) Suleyman Yildirim (45 photos) Summer 2011 (54 photos) Summer Internship for Native Americans (SING) Update video 2011 (1 photo) Summer Internship for Native Americans in Genomics (1 photo) Summer Internship for Native Americans in Genomics (SING) Workshop 2011 (85 photos) sun (26 photos) Sunil Mathanker (2 photos) sunlight (1 photo) sunset (108 photos) Sunset (1 photo) Super Resolution-Structured Illumination Microscopy (SR-SIM) (7 photos) Surgery (7 photos) Susan Jenkins (25 photos) Susan Schmitt (1 photo) Susan Thomas (7 photos) Sustainability of Biomass Production for Bioenergy (23 photos) Svetlana Borisova (68 photos) Svetlana Kocherginskaya - under Cann (1 photo) Svetlana Kocherginskaya - under Cann-grayscale (1 photo) swarm (60 photos) swine farms (66 photos) switchgrass (91 photos) Switchgrass (274 photos) symbol (1 photo) syringe (19 photos) t-shirt (2 photos) table (53 photos) tables (27 photos) tablet (2 photos) Taekjip Ha (43 photos) Taekjip Ha lab laser prism PPRO Precision Proteomics (1 photo) taking photo (1 photo) Tanya Meyers (4 photos) Tariq Iqbal (2 photos) tarp (1 photo) tarts (12 photos) tea (1 photo) teaching (42 photos) Technology and Policy (17 photos) Temple Hoyne Buell Hall (2 photos) Terry Niblack (1 photo) Tesfa Mekete (7 photos) Tesfamariam Mekete (39 photos) test (22 photos) test tube (20 photos) test tubes (252 photos) test tubes; plants (1 photo) Testing (5 photos) Thaddeus Ezeji (8 photos) theme banner (9 photos) theme banners (16 photos) theme hopping (18 photos) theme leader (4 photos) Theme Leader - Business (1 photo) theme leader - Regenerative Biology and Tissue Engineering. (1 photo) theme leaders (1 photo) theme vexillas (25 photos) Therese Mitros (2 photos) Therese Mitros: under Moose (1 photo) thorns (1 photo) Thuy Ngo (3 photos) Tiit Lukk - under Gerlt (1 photo) Tiit Lukk - under Gerlt- grayscale (1 photo) tile (4 photos) Tim Kerestes (18 photos) Tim Kerestes Farewell (23 photos) tim mies (4 photos) Tim Mies (54 photos) Tim Slating- under Kesan (1 photo) Tim Slating- under Kesan-grayscale (2 photos) Time Mies (1 photo) Timothy Slating (3 photos) tissue samples (45 photos) tobacco (15 photos) Tom Voigt (65 photos) Tony Grift (2 photos) Tony Hayward (147 photos) Tony Licata (29 photos) Tony Tasset (23 photos) Tor Jensen (173 photos) Tor W. Jensen (4 photos) tour (1 photo) tower (1 photo) Toys for tots 2011 (5 photos) tractor (231 photos) tractor tracks (1 photo) tractors (13 photos) traffic (31 photos) transformations (16 photos) transgenic (18 photos) Transportation and Climate Division (7 photos) Travis Hurt (1 photo) tray (135 photos) trays (47 photos) tree (39 photos) Trees (65 photos) trees (9 photos) trencher used to install drought treatments (1 photo) Trott; Biofuels; BP; Pangbourne (1 photo) truck (11 photos) Trustee (Lawrence) Eppley (33 photos) Trustee Eppley (1 photo) tubes (62 photos) tumor cell (15 photos) turtle (5 photos) twigs (1 photo) Tyler Johannes (62 photos) Tzumin Lee (19 photos) U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (7 photos) UC Berkeley (34 photos) ultraviolet light (49 photos) umbrella (30 photos) under Cann (28 photos) under Delucia (7 photos) under DeLucia (17 photos) under Dietze (7 photos) under Fouke (3 photos) under Gerlt (14 photos) under Gray (8 photos) under Kesan (9 photos) under Khanna (14 photos) under Moose (47 photos) under Ting (42 photos) under Tom Voigt (3 photos) under Voigt (27 photos) Undergraduate Library (39 photos) Underwood (2 photos) Union; Illini Union; sky; fall; leaves; trees; cupola; autumn (1 photo) University of Illinois Board of Trustees Meeting;September 23; 2010;Pine Lounge;University Union;Christopher G. Kennedy;Preside (19 photos) University of Illinois McKinley Health Center (65 photos) Ursula Reuter-Carlson (1 photo) Ursula Ruiz Vera (1 photo) valves (3 photos) Vanessa Revindran (1 photo) vase (3 photos) Vegetable Crops Building (7 photos) vent (3 photos) ventilator (2 photos) veterinary biosciences; Institute for Genomic Biology (1 photo) Veterinary Clinical Medicine (81 photos) Veterinary Medicine (62 photos) veterinary medicine (6 photos) vexilla (12 photos) vial (22 photos) vials (114 photos) Vice president of Research at Carle Foundation hospital (61 photos) Vice President of Research at Carle Foundation hospital (63 photos) Victor Jongeneel (3 photos) video (2 photos) view (36 photos) Vine (7 photos) vines (12 photos) virus (1 photo) Voigt (2 photos) Walk of LIfe (1 photo) walk of life (6 photos) Walk of life (1 photo) Walk of Life (50 photos) Walk of Life Pavers (10 photos) walking (30 photos) wall (5 photos) wall hook (1 photo) Wanne Kromdijk (18 photos) watching slide presentation (6 photos) water (26 photos) water bowl (1 photo) watercolor photo (1 photo) weed (2 photos) weeds (4 photos) Wei Yan (1 photo) WeiWei Wang (1 photo) Wen-Tso Liu (2 photos) Wendy Woods (1 photo) Weruska Biase (2 photos) west campus (3 photos) wheel barrel (3 photos) white board (18 photos) whiteboard (4 photos) wide (1 photo) Widholm (1 photo) Wilfred van der Donk (100 photos) Wilfred van der Donk lab (5 photos) Will Hay (15 photos) William (Bill) Metcalf (3 photos) William Bowser (6 photos) William Metcalf (62 photos) wind (7 photos) window (167 photos) windows (86 photos) winner (2 photos) winter; snow; student; public transportation (1 photo) wires (2 photos) Woese Institute (2 photos) woman (1 photo) Won Byoung Chae (3 photos) Won-Heong Lee (1 photo) Wood (10 photos) wood (8 photos) worker (6 photos) wrap (16 photos) wrench set (2 photos) x-ray (43 photos) Xi Yang - under Khanna (1 photo) Xi Yang - under Khanna-grayscale (1 photo) Xiaohui Feng (1 photo) Xiaolin Ren (36 photos) Xiaoyun Su (3 photos) Xu Ling (23 photos) Xudong Guan (46 photos) Xueyang Feng (1 photo) Yanglin Li (1 photo) Yejun Han (3 photos) yellow (12 photos) yellow flower (26 photos) yellow flowers (18 photos) yellow liquid (3 photos) yellow rubber duck (1 photo) yellowstone (9 photos) Yiran Dong (2 photos) Yogendra Shastri (3 photos) Yong-Su Jin (4 photos) Yongbo Yuan (1 photo) Yoshi Kita (9 photos) Yoshi Oono (2 photos) Yoshitsugu Oono (24 photos) Young Hwan Moon (3 photos) Yuejian Mao (3 photos) Yunfeng Hu (1 photo) Yung-Chen Liao (7 photos) zebra grass (4 photos) Zengyi Shao (31 photos) Zewei Miao (2 photos) Zhao project (5 photos) Zhen Shi (5 photos) Zhoulin Yi (1 photo) Zilberman (1 photo) All keywords Any keyword
Building Building / Building Models Building / Exterior Building / Exterior / Bright IGB day 10.7.14 Building / Exterior / Building pics 7.19.11 Building / Exterior / IGB night 2.2.11 Building / Exterior / Outside IGB Building 2011 Building / Exterior / Snow Photos Building / Exterior / Walk of Life Pavers Building / IGB Guest Suite Building / Interior Building / Interior / Array Cafe Building / Interior / Array Cafe / Array Cafe New Menu Items 5.8.14 Building / Interior / Array Cafe food 5.12.14 Building / Interior / Array cafe food pics 2.12.16 Building / Interior / Array Cafe Signage 10.5.11 Building / Interior / BSD large lab pics 6.20.14 Building / Interior / Carl Woese's IGB office snapshots 1.9.15 Building / Interior / Core wall 10.5.11 Building / Interior / Core wall 11.19.15 Building / Interior / EBI Sign Building / Interior / Ember 10.15.12 Building / Interior / IGB Atrium Artwork 4.16.14 Building / Interior / IGB Classrooms Building / Interior / IGB Gatehouse Lobby Building / Interior / IGB night 2.2.11 Building / Interior / Rugs and Details Building / Interior / Woese Exhibit Installation 12.10.14 People People / IGB Building Dedication Ceremony People / 1.14.14 Dawn Eriksen & Yongbo Yuan in EBI Lab for EBI AR 2013 People / Amy Marshall-Colon's group/individual group 8.19.16 People / Array Staff Funny 5.13.14 People / Bee Keeper Charles Nye 4.1.14 People / Bosola Oladeinde 8.17.2011 People / Brad Evans 3.14.13 People / Brandon Burkhart 4.2.13 People / Bright Agindotan 8.8.14 People / Bryan White 12.1.11 People / Carl Woese People / Carl Woese / Archive: Awards & Letters 7.22.13 People / Carl Woese / Carl's Medals People / CEM People / Chris Somerville 11.30.10 People / Claire Benjamin 9.24.15 People / Claire Sturgeon 6.4.13 People / Communications group 4.12 People / Courtney Evans 3.14.13 People / D.K. Lee 11.3.14 People / Darci Edmonson 4.12.13 People / Derek Wildman 1.20.15 People / Don Ort Lab Group & Individual 2.4.15 People / EBI Lab people in action for EBI AR 2013 Jan.14 People / EBI Leaders 10.1.14 People / Elbert Branscomb 7.10.13 People / Gary Olsen 8.25.15 People / Gene Robinson shoot 2.8.17 People / Gene Robinson UC Davis 2016 People / Hergenrother lab photo 1.12.16 People / HPCBio People / HPCBio pics group & individual 4.20.17 People / iGem 2011 People / iGEM 2015 People / IGERT People / Joyce Koeberlein 8.18.15 People / Karen Sears 4.21.14 People / Lisa Ainsworth Lab pics 3.20.15 People / Melissa McKillip 9.8.14 People / Michael Wang 10.12.10 People / MMG theme 9.11.15 People / Nick Vasi 4.16.15 People / Nigel Goldenfeld & Chi Xue 10.24.16 People / Operations & Facilities Summer 5.17.11 People / OVCR directory photos 12.2.14 People / Pat Brown 7.25.14 People / Rachel Whitaker Virus Group 2.24.14 People / Ripan Mahli monkey researchers 3.20.15 People / Robinson-Bashir-Rogers Bioengineering People / Ruby Mendenhall 6.19.15 People / Scott Woolbright 7.30.14 People / Sharon Rynders 8.17.2011 People / Simons Grant Group 8.28.13 People / Steve Long, Chris Somerville, Paul Willems 11.30.10 People / Sua Myong & Helen Hwang 4.5.13 People / Svetlana Borisova 8.15.11 People / Taekjip Ha lab nucleosome dynamics 3.11.15 People / Victor Jongeneel 11.25.13 People / Whitaker group grant pics 8.18.16 People / WOG Dogs!! Abby dog 2.17.17 Pretzel dog 2.3.17 People / Worker photoshoot 1.8.14 People / Xi Yang 2.6.15 People / Yasuko Ishida & Kai Zhao 10.17.14 Research Research / BCXT-Biocomplexity Research / BCXT-Biocomplexity / Biocomplexity Theme Hopping (BCXT) 10.28.11 Research / BCXT-Biocomplexity / Galapagos Research / BCXT-Biocomplexity / Painted Bees 4.1.14 Research / BioBEL-Business, Economics and Law of Genomic Biology Research / BSD - Biosystems Design Research / BSD - Biosystems Design / BSD Robot Arm Install 3.7.14 Research / CDMC-Cellular Decision Making in Cancer Research / Core Facility Research / Core Facility / core facilities microscopes 4.5.13 Research / Core Facility / GAMES camp 2009 Research / Core Facility / NMR 1.19.12 Research / EBI-Energy Biosciences Institute Research / EBI-Energy Biosciences Institute / South Farms 4.29.11 Research / EBI-Energy Biosciences Institute / 2013 Feedstock Symposium Research / EBI-Energy Biosciences Institute / 3rd Pan American Congress on Plants and Bioenergy 7.15.12 Research / EBI-Energy Biosciences Institute / Bioenergy connection magazine pics 3.5.14 Research / EBI-Energy Biosciences Institute / Bioenergy Feedstocks Symposium 2011 Research / EBI-Energy Biosciences Institute / Bioenergy Symposium 2010 Research / EBI-Energy Biosciences Institute / Biofuels Law Conference 2012 Research / EBI-Energy Biosciences Institute / Biomass Conversion Symposium 11.1.11 Research / EBI-Energy Biosciences Institute / British Embassy visit Energy Farm 9.22.14 Research / EBI-Energy Biosciences Institute / Debbie Piper's EBI Stained Glass 10.2.14 Research / EBI-Energy Biosciences Institute / EBI 2010 Research / EBI-Energy Biosciences Institute / EBI AR Lab pics January 2013 Research / EBI-Energy Biosciences Institute / EBI Board 9.21.10 Research / EBI-Energy Biosciences Institute / EBI Energy Farm Field Day 2014 Research / EBI-Energy Biosciences Institute / EBI Energy Farm open house 2009 Research / EBI-Energy Biosciences Institute / EBI Energy Farm snapshots 8.11 Research / EBI-Energy Biosciences Institute / EBI Energy Farm tour Summer 2011 Research / EBI-Energy Biosciences Institute / EBI Farm Harvest 2010 Research / EBI-Energy Biosciences Institute / EBI Feedstock Symposium 2014 Research / EBI-Energy Biosciences Institute / EBI Holiday Party 2010 Research / EBI-Energy Biosciences Institute / EBI Laboratory UIUC Campus Research / EBI-Energy Biosciences Institute / EBI Retreat July 2013 Research / EBI-Energy Biosciences Institute / Ellen Williams Chief Scientist BP 9.17.13 Research / EBI-Energy Biosciences Institute / Energy Farm (close-ups) 6.21.11 Research / EBI-Energy Biosciences Institute / Energy Farm (Researchers) 8.17.2011 Research / EBI-Energy Biosciences Institute / Eric Rund's Farm 6.24.11 Research / EBI-Energy Biosciences Institute / Erik Sacks 1.31.14 Research / EBI-Energy Biosciences Institute / Evan Delucia 10.9.13 Research / EBI-Energy Biosciences Institute / Farm in the Snow-December 2010 Research / EBI-Energy Biosciences Institute / IGB printed pieces contest pics 1.14.14 Research / EBI-Energy Biosciences Institute / Jenny Kokini Farewell Party 10.12.13 Research / EBI-Energy Biosciences Institute / Mark David 3.18.13 Research / EBI-Energy Biosciences Institute / Photosynthesis Class 11.19.13 Research / EBI-Energy Biosciences Institute / Round Barn Research / EBI-Energy Biosciences Institute / Soo Rin Kim 3.22.13 Research / EBI-Energy Biosciences Institute / Soy fields Research / EBI-Energy Biosciences Institute / Steve Long Celebration 7.1.13 Research / EBI-Energy Biosciences Institute / Steve Long Group 1/27/11 Research / EBI-Energy Biosciences Institute / Sustainability of Biomass Production for Bioenergy 10.25.11 Research / EBI-Energy Biosciences Institute / Tony Hayward Visit Research / EBI-Energy Biosciences Institute / Turner Hall greenhouse 2.18.13 Research / GBB-Genomics of Neural and Behavioral Plasticity Research / GBB-Genomics of Neural and Behavioral Plasticity / 2009 BeeSpace Conference Research / GBB-Genomics of Neural and Behavioral Plasticity / Bee Research Facility 7.24.13 Research / GBB-Genomics of Neural and Behavioral Plasticity / Elephants 11.4.13 Research / GBB-Genomics of Neural and Behavioral Plasticity / War Elephants 12.6.13 Research / GEGC-Genomic Ecology of Global Change Research / GEGC-Genomic Ecology of Global Change / GEGC Theme Hopping 3.6.15 Research / GEGC-Genomic Ecology of Global Change / Maize03 Face 7.16.13 Research / GEGC-Genomic Ecology of Global Change / OLLI (Sharon Gray & Jo Pride)10.25.12 Research / GEGC-Genomic Ecology of Global Change / SoyFACE Research / GEGC-Genomic Ecology of Global Change / SoyFACE 9.20.11 Research / HMS-Host-Microbe Systems Research / MBBC-Molecular Bioengineering of Biomass Conversion Research / Miscellaneous Detail Generic "Stock" Shots Research / Miscellaneous Detail Generic "Stock" Shots / Holiday Card Photoshoot 2013 Research / Miscellaneous Detail Generic "Stock" Shots / IGB Annual Report 2013 Research / Miscellaneous Detail Generic "Stock" Shots / Lab Details 11.2.11 Research / MMG-Mining Microbial Genomes for Novel Antibiotics Research / MMG-Mining Microbial Genomes for Novel Antibiotics / Doug Mitchell & Satish Nair by Claire Sturgeon 8.28.14 Research / ReBTE-Regenerative Biology and Tissue Engineering Research / ReBTE-Regenerative Biology and Tissue Engineering / 2011 ReBTE Symposium Research / ReBTE-Regenerative Biology and Tissue Engineering / Bones 3.17.16 Research / ReBTE-Regenerative Biology and Tissue Engineering / Illinois Workshop on Regenerative Biology and Tissue Engineering 11.18.11 Research / ReBTE-Regenerative Biology and Tissue Engineering / Matt Wheeler 6.19.13 Research / ReBTE-Regenerative Biology and Tissue Engineering / Princess Imoukhuede Lab Assorted (DCL) 8.26.14 User Images User Images / Core Facilities User Images / EBI Directory User Images / EBI Directory / Bioenergy Farm User Images / EBI Directory / EBI in Berkeley User Images / EBI Directory / EBI in Berkeley / 2012 EBI Annual Report User Images / EBI Directory / EBI in Berkeley / 2012 EBI Annual Report / Leader photos Feb 2013 User Images / EBI Directory / EBI in Berkeley / EBI Annual Report User Images / EBI Directory / EBI in Berkeley / EBI Annual Report 2010 User Images / EBI Directory / Sign User Images / EBI Retreat Farm Tour User Images / Nevo Testing Altered Photos Biotech Center Campus Campus / Campus Shots 8.17.2011 Campus / Lincoln Hall 6.19.15 Directory Pictures Directory Pictures / EBI people Directory Pictures / GEGC EFI (Enzyme Function Initiative) IGB Events IGB Events / Fellows Symposium 2009 IGB Events / Holiday Party 2008 IGB Events / Holiday Party 2009 IGB Events / Fellows Symposium 2010 IGB Events / Dr. Ananda Chakrabarty I-Hotel 9.21.10 IGB Events / 2013 IGB Fellows Symposium IGB Events / 2nd floor theme hop 12.4.15 IGB Events / Art 2.0 Richland College IGB Events / Art of Science 2.0 - 4-12-12 IGB Events / Art of Science 3.0 IGB Events / Art of Science 4.0 IGB Events / Art of Science 5.0 4.23.15 IGB Events / Art of Science 6.0 gallery opening 4.28.16 IGB Events / Art of Science O'Hare Feb 2014 IGB Events / Art of Science Springfield pics 2.17.17 IGB Events / Atkins Building AoS pics 1.16.15 IGB Events / Bake-off 2015 IGB Events / BGI Conference 5.20.13 IGB Events / Blood drive 2.5.16 IGB Events / Blood Drive 7.16.15 IGB Events / Carl Woese Memorial 1.26.13 IGB Events / Carl Woese Memorial 1.26.13 / Carls Jacket IGB Events / Carl Woese Memorial 1.26.13 / Carl's Lab 1.4.13 IGB Events / Carl Woese Memorial 1.26.13 / Carl Woese awards IGB Events / Carl Woese Memorial 1.26.13 / Carl Woese Memorial Service Photos 1.26.13 IGB Events / Carl Woese Symposium 9.18.15 -9.20.15 IGB Events / CEM Graduation 4.23.13 IGB Events / Clock tour 11.4.11 IGB Events / CompGen 4.4.14 photographer Ricki Alford IGB Events / Core Gallery Opening 3.31.11 IGB Events / EAB (External Advisory Board for EBI) 10.25.13 IGB Events / EBI Biofuels Law Conference 5.2.14 IGB Events / EnterpriseWorks 6.24.11 IGB Events / Fellows Symposium 2011 IGB Events / Fellows Symposium 2015 IGB Events / Fellows Symposium 2016 IGB Events / Fellows Symposium 2017 IGB Events / Fellows Symposium 5.3.12 IGB Events / Fellows Symposium 5.8.14 IGB Events / Game Night 2013 IGB Events / Gene's MOOC video shoot 4.29.15 IGB Events / Genome Day 2012 IGB Events / Genome Day 2013 IGB Events / Genome Day 2014 IGB Events / Genome Day 2015 IGB Events / Genome Day 2016 11.12.16 IGB Events / Genomics for Judges 11.14.13 IGB Events / Gina Kolata 11.15.13 IGB Events / Governor Quinn Visit IGB Events / Halloween 2011 IGB Events / Halloween 2013 IGB Events / Halloween Party 2015 IGB Events / Harold Craighead Q & A_2.21.17 IGB Events / Harris Farewell Party 2.19.11 IGB Events / Holiday Party 2010 IGB Events / IGB 10 year anniversary pics 3.29.17 IGB Events / IGB Bake-Off 2012 IGB Events / IGB Graduates 5.12.16 IGB Events / IGB Halloween 2014 IGB Events / IGB Hawk 10.23.14 IGB Events / IGB Holiday Party 12.16.15 IGB Events / IGB Holiday Party 2011 IGB Events / KnowEng Dr. Chuang talk IGB Events / KnowEng Dr. Leskovec talk IGB Events / KnowEng Dr. Wang talk IGB Events / KnowENG event 4.28.17 IGB Events / KnowEnG NIH visit 5.2.16 IGB Events / Mahli DNA Forensics Conference 5.13.14 photos by Nick Vasi IGB Events / Neil Shubin Inner Fish talk 4.14.15 IGB Events / OLLI citizen scientist 6.13.17 IGB Events / OLLI event 3.31.17 IGB Events / Pollen Power Camp 2014 IGB Events / Pollen Power Camp 2015 IGB Events / Pollen Power Girls Camp July 8-12, 2013 IGB Events / Pollen Power Summer Camp IGB Events / Reddit AMA Gene & May 2.14.17 IGB Events / Ripan Malhi IGB Tour 9.27.13 IGB Events / Robot move 10.14.16 IGB Events / Roy Dar (GNDP) undergrad IGB tour 11.5.15 IGB Events / Service Award Lunch 10.29.14 IGB Events / SING 2011 Workshop IGB Events / SING Conference 2013 IGB Events / SING Conference 2015 IGB Events / St. Elmo Brady STEM Academy Garden Hills Elementary 10.1.15 IGB Events / Staff Appreciation Pizza Lunch 11.8.11 IGB Events / Tap-In girls at IGB 5.5.17 IGB Events / Tim Kerestes Farewell 12.16.11 IGB Events / Urbana Highschool Basketball I-Stem Fouke tour 2.22.17 IGB Events / Willard Airport AoS pics 1.16.15 IGB Events / Yellowstone Biocomplexity Summer Academy 6.27.16 IGB Events / Yellowstone Book 11.16.16 RIPE-PETROSS RIPE-PETROSS / PETROSS RIPE-PETROSS / Plants in Silico Symposium & Workshop 5.19.16 RIPE-PETROSS / RIPE Growth Chambers/Greenhouse RIPE-PETROSS / RIPE Meeting 8.16.13 Uploads Uploads / OLLI article photos 3.7.14 photographer Claire Sturgeon Video Footage Search in sub-albums